Just hear me out for one second. This is what I have been dealing with this week:
- broken water lines
- plumbers and more plumbers
- insurance companies regarding auto accident
- taxes
- computer virus'
- stolen credit card number & various charges
Thank you!
When it rains it pours, and I know that everyone has to deal with this kind of crap, and I know I have it better than many, but worse than others. Not really trying to complain or get sympathy (alright sympathy welcomed) just needed to let the world know to BACK OFF!!!
This is when I really need to remember the quote from President Monson, "don't be weary in well doing" because it is times like this I want to put up my dukes and fight it out. "Well doing" for me is being diplomatic, patient, and understanding; it's not my nature but I'm trying.
Thanks for listening peeps and I sincerely hope your week is going better.
Things I'm grateful for:
1. New grandson about to be born
2. My oldest daughter for coming through for me
3. Through all of this, being strong enough to
still not cry