Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 27--Grateful for Laughter

and a sense of humor!
Life is too short not laugh!
Here's some lighter humor...

Athena & her sense of fashion!

Mr K and his fav glasses!

Yep that's what I said!
Everybody looks good in a good mustache!

Yummmm, want some?
Bubbles in  grandma's tub----the BEST!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Day 24--Thankful for Simplicity

"Let us simplify our lives a little. Let us make the changes necessary to refocus our lives on the sublime beauty of the simple, humble path of Christian discipleship—the path that leads always toward a life of meaning, gladness, and peace."
—Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Of Things That Matter Most", General Conference, October 2010
Topics: Simplify, Disciple

Friday, November 23, 2012

Day 23--Grateful for Technology

Yep, a luxury.  
But it makes my life easier and it keeps me in touch with the outside world!
I LOVE the FaceTime!

I love using my IPad for a radio.  It's lightweight and I carry it throughout the house with me.
When I travel I use my IPad as my television and watch Netflix.
I love being able to have the internet available quick and easy.
I love reading on my IPad.  It is always the right size and it always has the correct lighting!
and I am grateful for it!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 19--Gratitude Quote

"A grateful heart, then, comes through expressing gratitude to our Heavenly Father for His blessings and to those around us for all that they bring into our lives. This requires conscious effort—at least until we have truly learned and cultivated an attitude of gratitude."
—Thomas S. Monson, "The Divine Gift of Gratitude"

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day 17--Grateful for Teachers

home & visiting teachers, that is!
I have developed some true friendships from these great callings.  (In our Church we have home and visiting teachers who visit church members each month.  For more info go here.)

It has been through these visits great friendships have been developed.  Not just from being taught, but also from teaching.  I love the Sisters I have taught over the years and the friendships I have made.

It is always nice to know that someone is going to check on you each month.  It is always nice to know that there are extra people praying for you when you are going through a tough time.  It is also nice to know there is ALWAYS someone you can call no matter what!

Thank you home and visiting teachers.  Past and present.  I love you all and appreciate what you have done and what you continue to do.  I hope you all know how you have influenced my life.  I love you, and for those visiting teachers and home teachers from my past, I MISS YOU ALL!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Day 16--Blessed with Safety

I am extremely grateful 
I was spared from the fires
 and mud slides from this past year.
I am safe, and for this I am very thankful.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 15--Gratitude Quote

"This is a wonderful time to be on earth. While there is much that is wrong in the world today, there are many things that are right and good. There are marriages that make it, parents who love their children and sacrifice for them, friends who care about us and help us, teachers who teach. Our lives are blessed in countless ways."
—Thomas S. Monson, "The Divine Gift of Gratitude"
Topics: Gratitude

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 14--Grateful for FB

Yep, FaceBook!

I love keeping up with my friends.
I love seeing the families of those I taught in Primary.
I love seeing the graduations, new babies, wedding, and other wonderful events that everyone shares.
I love the funny saying on FaceBook!  Sometimes I need a good laugh!
I love hearing from family and seeing how they are doing.
I love reading pages that share the same interests that I have.

I love it and it is my link to the outside world and to those friends who live far away...and for that I am grateful!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 13--Gratitude Quote

"We can lift ourselves and others as well when we refuse to remain in the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our hearts an attitude of gratitude. If ingratitude be numbered among the serious sins, then gratitude takes its place among the noblest of virtues."
—Thomas S. Monson, "The Divine Gift of Gratitude"
Topics: Gratitude

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 12--Grateful for the Memories

the memories!

The fun times,
The serious times,
The good times,
and even the bad times.
It all adds up to beautiful memories
of our life together.

The gifts for my birthday,
or just because you loved me.

Thank you for being you and your quirks.
The hats,
The jokes,
The crazy food,
The nickname,
The fun.

Thank you for the travels,
the hours and hours exploring the deseret.
The deer hunts for our anniversary!
The trip to Kansas and the one to Oregon. 

Thank you for the spiritual discussions and for teaching me.  Thank you for always showing Christ like love to me and our children.

Thank you for all of the beautiful memories and leaving me with so much love and the knowledge of your forever love for me.  Thank you for loving me.

I am grateful.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 11--Thankful for my Saviour

"And his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."
— , "Isaiah 9:6"

I am thankful for His example, sacrifice, forgiveness, love, comfort, and guidance.  I am blessed for my testimony of Him.  He lives.  He loves.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 10--Grateful for my Mission

 I am very grateful for the opportunity to serve the Lord 
and to share my knowledge and love of 
family history work and research.  
I love family history work.
I love research.
I love to learn about my ancestors and to help others learn about their ancestors. 
I am grateful for records that have been preserved.

I am grateful for living near the Family History Library. 
I am grateful I have had the opportunity and means to travel to Wyoming and Iowa and do research.
I am so grateful to meet my extended relatives.

 Even though I am saddened by Joe's death, it is the single event that enables me the time and means to serve this mission. 
Bittersweet and grateful.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 9--Grateful for Friends

or as my heart refers to them as angels!

Over the years I am glad I have had friends who have helped me along this journey.  I am comforted to know if I need them, they will be there--through the good, the bad and the ugly.  And they have been there through the good, the bad and the ugly!
I consider each of you, my friends, a great treasure in my life.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 7--Grateful for Grandchildren

I love my Monkey's
Mr Wrecker:

The Remister

Miss Little Lilah Lou Lou

 Miss Bella Button


Mr K.

Miss RaeganRoo:

Mr Joefish:

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 6--Grateful for my Dad

I love you, Dad!
 I am so happy and blessed that my Dad and I have had the opportunity to strengthen our relationship and spend allot of time together this past year.  I have appreciated being able to work with him and travel with him doing genealogy.  He is always so willing to help me with my newsletter and my research. 
Thank you Dad. 

Monday, November 5, 2012


It's 8 years ago.

And it's yesterday.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 4--Grateful for Forever

Very grateful for this day 9 December 1997.

Forever has a different meaning today than it had back in 1997.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 3--Thankful for my Children

I am extremely thankful for my children.
 I love my children and the spouses that they have chosen.
They are all great moms and dads.
They are all great citizens and contributors to society.  (Yep that means no one is living in my basement! Just kidding!)
I'm proud of them and their decisions that have made in their lives.
I am proud of the people they are and the things they do.
Thank you children for making being a mom so easy!  (Yep, with age come amnesia!)

 I love each of you a whole lot and I know your father does too.
Each of you are great and you continue to bless my life.

And ya know, it's a little crazy I miss all the little annoying things that you did when you were growing up.  I am grateful to be you mom.  Thank you.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November the Month of Gratitude

Everyday for the month I will list what I am grateful for, or post a special quote about gratitude. 
(None of them will be listed in any particular order--just my mood!)

I have been extremely blessed in my life.
I have been given much, and enough to share,
and for this I am extremely grateful.