family history we discover the most beautiful tree in the forest of
creation--our family tree. Its numerous roots reach back through
history, and its branches extend throughout eternity. Family history is
the expansive expression of eternal love. It is born of selflessness.
It provides opportunity to secure the family unit forever.
(Ensign, May 1989, pg. 60)
Why do I have this inherent need to do this work?
Why have I been given this opportunity to do this work?
Why am I so drawn to this work?
Here is why I believe I have been blessed by my Heavenly Father.
Without doing family history work and genealogy, I would not understand and appreciate family. I would not comprehend how valuable family is. I would not have the vision of what family can and should be.
My family has been poisoned, and because of that I never really knew "love and family" until I married Joe and we had our family.
Now, as I currently walk down the road of life, and family gets complicated because of the poison of the past, I can look at my children and know the importance of my family and the future, and as I research I can look at the importance of family as a foundation.
That all comes from family history work, not because of the example that was set or the actions of family members today.