Monday, February 24, 2014

A motto to live by:

“Make your influence felt.”
—George Albert Smith, found here.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Prayers are Answered

In primary the children sing:
“Heavenly Father are you really there,
And do you hear and answer every child’s prayer?”

In Relief Society we answer the question:
The errand of angels is given to women;
And this is a gift that, as sisters we claim:
To do whatso every is gentle an human,
To cheer and to bless in humanity’s name.

The purpose of visiting teaching is to minister.
·  Pray daily for [the sister you visit] and her family.
·  Seek inspiration to know her and her family.
·  Visit her regularly to learn how she is doing and to comfort and strengthen her.
·  Stay in frequent contact through visits, phone calls, letters, e-mail, text messages, and simple acts of kindness.
·  Greet her at Church meetings.
·  Help her when she has an emergency, illness, or other urgent need.
·  Teach her the gospel from the scriptures and the visiting teaching messages.
·  Inspire her by setting a good example.
(See “How Visiting Teachers Love, Watch Over, and Strengthen a Sister,” in Daughters in My Kingdom, page 123.)
The Purpose of Visiting Teaching is to Minister foundhere:  

I firmly believe that Relief Society visiting teaching is how our Heavenly Father answers our prayers.  I firmly believe that this is our sacred covenant when we are baptized.  I firmly believe that great friendships can be made through the simple act of monthly visiting teaching.  How great is a command to reach out to each other; to spiritually lift one another; and make monthly contact with each other! 
Gain a testimony of visiting teaching; gain a testimony of being a faithful visiting teacher. 
You can find more information here:  

Monday, February 17, 2014

No Regrets

You will never regret:
Taking time to play with your child,
or praying with your children.
You will never regret:
Holding family home evenings,
or scripture study.
Taking your children to church,
or attending the temple,
You will never regret:
serving another person,
or making time to call a friend.
You will never regret:
Humming a Primary song,
or singing in a choir.
You will never regret:
Not  fighting with your husband,
or staying in his arms a little longer.
You will never regret:
Forgiving your husband,
or never speaking words of anger.
You will never regret:
the time and effort it takes to build an eternal marriage.
You will never regret:
You will never regret:
a writing a thank you note,
or bearing your testimony.
You will never regret:
Being kind and patient,
or loving and forgiving to our Father’s children.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day!

Sending all my love to my grandchildren and my children!  
I love you family!

And all my love, my eternal best friend:

“Married people are sweethearts, in a special creative union, blessed with that powerful chemistry that draws two together, sometimes from next door, sometimes from a world away. This divinely designed power must be sustained by other qualities—by respect and loyalty and integrity—to be what it is meant to be. To be able to give oneself fully with confidence and trust, and to fully receive the other joyfully and gratefully—this is a blessing that grows in meaning year by year and forever.”
---Marion D. Hanks, Eternal Marriage, October 1984 foundhere: 

Monday, February 10, 2014

What are Your Works?

Therefore, prepare ye the way of the Lord, for the time is at hand that all men shall reap a reward of their works, according to that which they have been—if they have been righteous they shall reap the salvation of their souls, according to the power and deliverance of Jesus Christ;... Alma 9:28

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What Will You Reap?

“I hope I was able to contribute something-so the children and the grandchildren-that they can be the survivors and never the victims.  And that I’d like to be remembered as someone who did everything in their power to see to it that we can enhance each other with our differences.  That we can hold hand in hand and form a human family so we can survive on this planet.  
Auschwitz is my cherished wound.” 

 ----Dr. Edith Eva Eger, "Seeds of Resiliency", directed and produced by Susan Polis Schutz, Iron Zeal Films.  Aired KBYU 1/26/2014.  (Iron Zeal)

A couple of weeks ago I watched "Seeds of Resiliency", it aired on KBYU in January.  It was soooooooo good.  It is about different people who have survived tragedy in their life and how they have not only overcome it, but have gone on to succeed and flourish.  These various individuals in this documentary were in some very horrible situations, and yet they chose to use their experiences for positive. 

It makes you wonder why some people choose to survive and some people choose to lash-out, torment and use their experiences negatively. 

I guess we all have our choices and we have to live with the consequences.  

Free agency. . . 

D&C 6:33
Fear not to do good, my sons, for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap; therefore, if ye sow good ye shall also reap good for your reward.

Luke 6:45 
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.

Helaman 14:31 
He hath given unto you that ye might know good from evil, and he hath given unto you that ye might choose life or death; and ye can do good and be restored unto that which is good, or have that which is good restored unto you; or ye can do evil, and have that which is evil restored unto you.

You can find more here of what I believe.