Friday, October 10, 2008

Have you Ever...

Gone on a blind date? no

Skipped School? of course, and even more recently church
Fallen going up the stairs? uhm yes, and off of the stationary bike!
Been to Mexico? No
Stolen a traffic sign? I was an accessory to the illegal crime, but I learned, if your gonna steal, don't steal a blinking one!
Broken a bone? arm, thumb, and piggies
Been Lost? the more accurate question would be, when haven't I been lost.
Swam in the ocean? yes
Played cops and robbers? Not too long ago
Have you ever met a famous person? President Monson in the Provo, Utah temple
Recently colored with crayons? yes
Cried yourself to sleep? nightly
Sang Karaoke? Only after everyone leaves and the mic is still plugged in the Wii
Paid for something only using coins? Many times
Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? yes
Laughed until a beverage came out of your nose? yes it's easy with girlfriends
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? nope, I blink and then can't see to catch one
Seen a polar bear? at the zoo
Danced in the rain? yep, made me need to pee.

I tag everyone who reads this post, to answer these questions and to post them to their blog

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