Friday, May 30, 2014

Beautiful Women: Part III

These girls their joy, happiness, innocence, and self-confidence of who they are and what they want, will soon enough be replaced with feelings doubt and inadequacy.
Can you imagine looking at these beautiful girls and knowing that society will not treasure who they will become as they grow older and wiser? 

It breaks my heart.
It makes me cry.
It saddens my soul.

Society and Hollywood will tell them in pictures, words, movies, songs and in social media that they aren’t this or that. . .

Why do we as women do that?
Why do we as women allow that to be done to our daughters?
Why do we do it to ourselves?
What is wrong with us?

We MUST embrace each of our seasons and we MUST teach our daughters to embrace each season, because we are destroying the hearts and thoughts of many beautiful women!
We are beautiful women 

with beautiful talents and a beautiful plan.

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