Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Dishes Gotta Get Clean!

Don’t get me wrong, I love nature and the environment and I appreciate and respect the fact that I cannot just go around desecrating what God has created for us.  I realize how fragile the environment is ----HOWEVER, yep, however…sometimes in people’s quest to MAKE everyone comply and to conform to their beliefs there ends up being unintended consequences, in this case, extra water and chemical use.

I am so irritated about the dishwasher detergent phosphate ban!

What once used to be a simple task, throwing my dishes in the dishwasher has now become a nightmare!

When I run my dishwasher, I currently use both cups full of detergent, Jet Dry, Lemi’ Shine and a cup of vinegar on the top shelf.  The dishes that get clean look like crap with white hard water deposit powered substance covering every single dish.

Seriously, we are not allowed phosphates so we get this!

How eco-friendly is my having to pre-wash AND wash AND re-wash every single dish I use?  I used to run my dishwasher once a week and maybe do a quarter of a sink of dishes twice during that week.  I am now running my dishwasher once a week, doing three full loads of dishes, pre-washing, and re-washing every single dish I put in the dishwasher.  Explain how that is more environmentally friendly than the old dishwasher detergent?

Yep, go you environmentalists!

Here is what I propose, I save the environment and conserve in my OWN way and I’ll allow you to do the same.  Keep the articles, the studies, and the research coming because I want to be informed and I want to know of ways that I can help out, however, quit taking away my choices, because YOU THINK YOU KNOW WHAT IS BEST FOR EVERYONE. 

After reading the reasons phosphates were removed from dish washing detergent, I have decided to quit using fertilizer on my plants and in my yard and, I will opt to use manure instead.  According to the articles that I have read, fertilizers also contribute to the damaging environmental effect on waterways.  So, now GIVE ME BACK my dish detergent!

 Don’t even get me started on the new light bulbs!


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