Monday, April 28, 2014

Movie Quote Monday. . .

"It's like I used to tell my wife:  I do not apologize unless I think I am wrong, and if you don't like it, you can leave; and I say the same thing to my current wife and I'll say it to my next one too!"
--Stanley, The Office, episode 77

I learned to always and freely admit when I am wrong.  Own it!  We are not sent here to always be right, but rather to learn and grow.  How can I learn and grow if I believe I am always right?  How do I teach my children to admit when they are wrong, if I, as their parent, cannot admit when I am wrong?

It is called humility, to admit when wrong and to admit when you don't know something.  Heavenly Father commanded us to be as a little child--humble teachable and how can you be humble and teachable if you are not open to the fact that you are wrong?

The only thing I have ever lost when I have admitted I was wrong was Stanley's attitude in the above quote.

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