I loved this article in the Ensign, and it made me think about ministering. I encourage you to do the same:In his personal ministry, President Monson has shown the difference between
administering and
ministering. Church members
administer programs and ordinances, but they
minister to individuals, loving them and coming to their relief. In reaching out to others, President Monson has emulated the Savior, who “came not to be ministered unto, but to minister” (
Mark 10:45).
“Today there are hearts to gladden, there are deeds to be done—even precious souls to save,” President Monson has declared. “The sick, the weary, the hungry, the cold, the injured, the lonely, the aged, the wanderer, all cry out for our help.”
(“The Blessings of Ministering,” Ensign, Oct 2009, 34–37)