Friday, July 1, 2011


"Do not be weary in well-doing."
President Monson, Key of Faith, Ensign, Feb. 1994, page 7


The past couple of weeks I have been able to have separate sleepovers with Trekker, Remington and Lilah.   Trekker and Remington were totally happy playing electronic games until late into the evening, eating junk food, drinking soda, and spending time alone with grandma. There were lots of hugging and silly conversations.

Trekker asked the best question, "Grandma, I have a really hard question for you, who created Heavenly Father"  after what I thought was a deeply spiritual and profound conversation he followed it up with the next question, "Why do dogs sniff each others' butts?"  Seven-year-old's! 

Remington was the bravest to sleep all by himself in the upstairs bedroom, and he is going to ask his parents, if he can come and live me so Santa will bring me Christmas presents.  (Guess he is still perplexed that Santa doesn't come to my house--if only I was on the "nice" list.)

Here is Lilah carrying her own suitcase for her sleepover:
(picture stolen/borrowed/swiped  from Athena's blog)

Here's what I've been up to (and it's not been blogging)

(Picture stolen from Athena's blog, because I have pictures of the dress but it looks better on the baby)
Yep, yep, yep, been busy crocheting this dress for the big blessing day this Sunday.  (Adam's mother, Charla, crocheted the bonnet, which will make a special keepsake for this sweetheart.)

I have also crocheted her a PINK afghan, and edged a PINK receiving blanket for her--no wonder I haven't been blogging!!!