Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I just barely get everything fixed and new things break!  I just got the computer fixed and the new one up and running, and now  the central vacuum broke (I LOVE my central vac system and miss it dearly!), the windshield on the car has a crack, the DVD player/sound system is broken and the television has no sound.  Seriously!

Don't tell, but I'm almost sick of genealogy!  (Yep you heard it here, but ever say it out loud and I'll deny it!)  I have been serving my mission, just signed up for another two years (they changed the rules so I had to "sign up" twice; once the old way and then according to the new procedure!), I spoke in Sacrament about family history work, began indexing and have indexed over 2,000+ names, researched and found the Roberts Family in the 1940 census, kept the Roberts family blog updated regularly, worked shifts at the Eagle Mt. Family History Library, and helped two separate families in our ward individually on a weekly basis teaching them family history and research.  Plus, the newsletter is due this month, and finally, I'm preparing a family history trip with my dad to Iowa.

Crazy!  Especially since it is getting to be crunch time on gathering all of the needed information for the trip to Iowa.  I would hate to travel and spend all that time and money only to find out that a key piece of information or a document was available at the FHL.  So, I am trying to do extensive searches everywhere I know  before I leave.

With the release of the 1940 census, I was able to find most of the Roberts family that were alive in 1940--however I looked at over 382+ images to locate everyone!  Then, I had to copy and add that information to my genealogy program.  I'm still working on adding the information to my database, however I was able to link everyone to the source from the blog.  That took a whole day! 

I was able to spend a couple of days with a dear friend while her daughter was recuperating in the hospital.  I miss spending time with her on a daily basis, but will always treasure the time and the fun we were able to have. 

Finally, the Nieman's went on vacation, and I missed them terribly!  So, glad they are home and close; just knowing they were further than usual was difficult--what if I needed loves from those sweet grandchildren?!?

Easter was quiet.  Home alone while everyone was busy doing their thing, that's life (and death).  Afraid that is getting to be a pattern for holidays!  I also went through all my old poems to add to this blog!  That was fun/interesting/memorable/sad and insightful! 

So, this is what I've been up, what have you been doing?

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