Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Recently I have just found out that another beautiful woman I know has had trouble having babies.
It seems to me that it is more common now than it used to be...makes me wonder.

Anyway, as I thought about an email I wanted to send this person I remembered the things that I have had to tell another woman close to me. So, here is an open letter to you beautiful wanna be mothers that are traveling down this painful road:

Dear Sweetheart,

I am so very sorry that you are having to travel down this painful road. I am so sorry that your tender sweet-precious-heart has to endure the pain and suffering of this awful affliction.

Let me assure you of what I know: you have done nothing to deserve this. It is not because of something you have or have not done. It is not because of your lack of faith—if “everything” was solely determined on faith, there would be no infertility—but it isn't. There are other factors involved, but I don't necessarily know what they are—that is the “faith” part.

But what I do know is this; life is real and it never follows our plans. Things happen. Things don't happen. This is life, it never goes as planned, I am sorry you have to learn this here and now and in this manner.

I know you would be an awesome mother. You are an awesome person and motherhood would fit you perfectly and I also know, you would serve that role honorably.

Remember this you are a beautiful woman. Your husband loves you. Heavenly Father loves you. Heavenly Father never gives us more than we can handle, but life does; and when it does, Heavenly Father sends His angels to help us through.

No words can take away the sting and ache of the pain your empty arms must feel, but know always, many people love you and want to help you and hug you through this. And remember from our Savior, “My peace I give unto you.”
May you find peace and comfort.

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