Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

While Joe was alive, Valentine's Day wasn't a big day.

Most of the time we would go to the store, read the cards, and he'd say, "This one is the one I'd get for you."  I would read the card, thank him for "his" thoughts, kiss him and we would place it back on the display and leave the store without spending the $2 or $3 for a card.  It was the thought that counts and who wants to pay for a thought?  It was  joke between us.

It was all good! 
We were in love all year long, Valentine's Day was just a hyped up commercial day.
The real Valentine's Day was the day he'd show up from work and surprise me with a Coke and Snickers.  Or flowers, just because.  Joe did many sweet things throughout the year, we didn't need a "Valentine's Day!"

That was it!

However, now that he is deceased and there is a big hole in my heart, the day of LOVE really annoys me!

Happy Valentine's Day!
I'm going to spend it with my sweet Valentines--my grandchildren!  (If their Daddy asks out his Valentine!)


  1. Awww...
    Joe sounds like a great guy. I wish I would have known him.

    I hope you get that date with your sweet little Valentines! :)

  2. I did. We exchanged cards; they made theirs fo me, then watched American Funniest videos!
