Friday, February 3, 2012

Things I learned from. . .

my mom:
  1. Always do what you say you are going to do.
  2. True love is unconditional.
  3. Forgiveness leads to peace.
  4. If you are wrong say it.  Let your children know that you make mistakes too.
  5. Always tell the truth.  Lie and no one will believe anything you say.
Some of the above things she intentionally taught me, other things I learned from observing her.

Probably the most important thing mom taught me was determination.  Some things you do out of spite; other things you do to be so different from that person that it has such a driving force that it just may lead to good.

Not everyone has a great mom, but I believe, if you try, love and be humble enough to admit when you are wrong, you can be a great mom.

It is tough.
Life is tough.
Motherhood is tough.
But, one bad example puts it all into perspective of how important it is to do your best.

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